Urfi Javed News Instagram Videos On Tomatoes

Urfi Javed reacts to the tomato price hike. Urfi Javed shares a reaction to the tomato’s price hike through an Instagram post.

On the tomato price hike, the Indians face financial problems and cut off tomatoes from their budgets.

Urfi Javed shares the above Instagram post and video to tell the public that she will eat fewer tomatoes now due to the price hike.

Urfi Javed is famous for her bold fashion wear. She wears jeans at the upper top side of her body. Some times she seen just wearing rare dresses.

There are some messy comments on this post that you had to know.

In the post, she shares four photos last one is about a farmer. The photo wrote that the Maharashtra farmer became a millionaire in a month by selling tomatoes.

She Wrote comments that “Tomatoes 🍅 are the new gold”.

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